News & Reviews

August 17, 2022

SYM SA Joins the Biker’s Warehouse Urban Commuter Run

The Urban Commuter Run is an initiative started by the Biker’s Warehouse team, an initiative that creates a safe and relaxed atmosphere for new riders and for those that have been off of two wheels for a while. As human beings, it’s common for us to formulate excuses in life, excuses that stop us from doing the things we love. Some of us may even go as far as convincing ourselves that it’s too intimidating to ride a bike and that we might even get judged for riding a smaller cc bike or scooter.

So, with Biker’s Warehouse being a SYM dealer and the ride being open to all model bikes under 250 cc, we wanted to get rid of the excuse of not owning a bike and that was by making a few of our SYM demo bikes available for the riders without rides—everyone deserves to join in on the fun.

After a warm coffee and some friendly banter between the 25 odd riders, we all rolled out of Biker’s Warehouse at 07:30 and onto a chilled and social ride through the suburbs. The sun slowly started to warm up the ride which lead to some fun and smiles for miles. We rolled into our next coffee stop a few km down the road at Higher Ground in Sandton where we got to take in the view, a few muffins and some good chats were had amongst the riders.

There was a sense of camaraderie between all the riders even though they had just spent a few minutes riding together—this is what riding motorcycles is all about. When you’re a motorcyclist you instantly become a part of the family tree, a family that shares the same passion for riding.

The second and final stop of the day was Prison Break Market in Lonehill where everyone got to do their own thing, whether it was chasing some eateries down or just enjoying the entertainment before parting ways. There’s just so much to do at the market, and with the early days cold out of the way the ride was pleasant for all who attended the ride.

Before the end of the day, we caught up with a new group rider by the name of Meredith Potgieter. Meredith’s love for riding sadly came to a halt during the first lockdown back in 2020, and a recent fire inside was sparked after seeing the Urban Commuter Run advertised on social media.

Meredith: “I have always loved riding, but when lockdown hit, I had to sell my beautiful Kawasaki Ninja 300 and I regret it to this very day. I heard of the Urban Commuter Run and I simply had to join, I have been longing to get back into riding and this was the perfect opportunity. I hopped on a demo SYM Fiddle 150 and started rolling again! Not having ridden a bike in a little over two years, the relaxed atmosphere of the ride was the perfect solution to ease back into it. I loved every second of it, and I personally think that starting off on a scooter is a whole different experience as the intimidation of speed and ego is pushed out of the equation, allowing you to simply enjoy the ride to the fullest. I urge every lady out there to join the next ride, whether you’re a beginner, haven’t ridden in a while or looking for a relaxed ride out, this might just be the ride you needed. I know for me; it was the perfect introduction back to motorcycling.”

So, there you have it a successful event organised by Biker’s Warehouse where an approachable means to riding again was created. If you are inspired by Meredith’s story, then we encourage you to visit one of our many SYM dealers and let them guide you down the path towards two-wheeled freedom.

For more information on the SYM FIDDLE II 150 click HERE.


News & Reviews
About SYM South Africa
A brand that is fit for purpose & right for the dynamic world we’re living in today. A means to sustainability. SYM …RIDE FOR THE TIMES!